深圳市 深杰皓科技有限公司


深圳市 深杰皓科技有限公司

营业执照:已审核经营模式:经销商所在地区:广东 深圳

收藏本公司 人气:65331


  • 相关证件:营业执照已审核 
  • 会员类型:普通会员
  • 刘沛莲 QQ:420188643
  • 电话:755-27785353
  • 手机:13510238418
  • 地址:宝安区龙井路62号佳宇大厦506-507室
  • 传真:755-27787078
  • E-mail:420188643@qq.com
供应意大利Datalogic  小型S8M53 SHINY系列光电传感器
供应意大利Datalogic  小型S8M53 SHINY系列光电传感器

供应意大利Datalogic 小型S8M53 SHINY系列光电传感器






A new patented technology is now available for the seamless detection of
clear transparent objects by means of a photoelectric sensor with background suppression optic function. Gl* or plastic clear objects such as
bottles, vials, packaging films, etc. can be easily detected in diffuse mode even in presence of shiny and reflective backgrounds. This breakthrough
technology offers many improvements with respect to previous systems based on polarized retro-reflex photoelectric or even ultrasonic sensors:

l   No pri*atic reflector: no need to have the clear object p*ing between sensor and reflector therefore reducing installation time and costs.

l   Less mechanical constraints: the detection can be made from either the side or from the * with no need to screen or modify any metal  parts of the machine.

l   Highest depth of field: the clear object can move or float in any position between its background and the sensor without any need to adjust the detection threshold.